Transform the exhaustion, anxiety and soul-gutting damage of narcissistic abuse effortlessly.

Restore your energy.

Get control of your feelings. 

So you can ignite your greatest body, mind and soul potential.

Start Healing with a gift of a 3 Minute Anxiety Reset

Are You a Sensitive Woman who has Lingering Physical and Emotional Devastation after Narcissistic Abuse? 

Click on the play button below to find out how my client Donna* healed advanced kidney damage and depression caused by narcissistic abuse in only 90 days & reclaimed her joy and life.

*Donna's name has been changed to protect her privacy.

Get the Healing Donna Used

Does this Sound Like You?

  • You feel like a zombie couch potato most of the time.
  • You feel deeply anxious & jittery.
  • You are physically sick often.
  • Your brain is scattered and unfocused.
  • You know you need a healing program, but just don't have the energy to heal.
  • You worry that life is passing you by as you wait to feel better.

It’s okay- you are not alone.
This is not your fault.

You see, narcissists are energy vampires. They intentionally suck the life out of your body, mind and soul even if they claim that they love you.

What's worse is that we  do not realize that we have energy vampires in our inner circles until we experience profound damage.

And even when we distance ourselves from narcissists, often there are others lurking near draining the five critical energy tanks that are essential for good health and stable feelings.

But that doesn't have to be your reality.

Take this quick test below to see if someone near you is feeding on your energy.

Start Healing with this Gift 3-Minute Reset

Now, that you know that an energy vampire may be draining your energy, you don't have to live with the devastation of narcissistic abuse.

You Can Be Like My Clients Who Are Investing into the Get Your Mojo Back Healing Journey to Break Free from the Impact of Energy Vampires

Minister Sonya Hosey

I have never experienced such profoundly deep healing with such little effort. The practices of radical rest & herbal healings have allowed me deepr access to God's healing, so that I now lead my ministry with a new energy  and focus.


First Lady Diane Falcon

Kay's resets have made such a difference in my life helping me release narcissitic wounds that I didn't realize were impacting my physical and mental health. Even my husband notices how much calmer I am--and I'm now able to set stronger boundaries with people who are energy drainers.

Christa G.

I was so surprised at how I  immediately felt at home in the sisterhood healing circle. The gentle resets and Kay's soft guidance has helped me restore my physical health and get control of my feelings and thoughts so that I  could embrace a dream life living on a farmstead--enjoying the simple beauties of life.

I was Utterly Devastated, Just Like You.

You're not alone in experiencing narcissistic abuse.

After  5 years in a relationship with a narcissistic man, I too was exhausted, sick and soul-gutted.

I had painful shingles, chronic fatigue,  and horrible gut bloating that would not improve despite my 21 years experience as a qi gong healer. 

My health was failing me … I literally almost gave up.

But God had other plans. 

Through deep prayer and meditation work, God revealed to me that narcissists absolutely devastate our five human energy tanks.

He showed me that until I healed all five energy tanks, I would continue to struggle with physical health challenges and emotions being scattered all over the place.

And coincidentally, I already been working with these five energy tanks as an expert with medical qi gong healing that focuses on healing the five elements or energy tanks.

When I took medical qi gong movement resets for each of the five tanks and combined them with prayer and energy healing, I:

  • Had incredible amounts of energy.
  • No longer felt anxious and on a roller coaster of emotions.
  • Resolved the shingles permanently and have experienced consistent vibrant health.

After more prayer and meditation, I was led to create the “Get Your Mojo Back Herbal Healing Journey Membership"  to help other narcissistically wounded women rest into getting their mojo back with:

  • High levels of energy.
  • Consistent control over feelings
  • Vibrant health.
  • A deep connection with God's joy.

The gentle journey invites women to a year long membership, so that they can heal at their own pace in an effortless way that fits their busy days.

Each healing session is based on the idea of radical rest versus having to work to heal.

It's as easy as laying on your favorite lounger as waves of healing frequencies wash over you as you engage the virtual session live or in convenient replays.

Also, the virtual sisterhood circle creates a supportive community that helps you to restore:

  • Physical and emotional health.
  • Your ability to access your greatest body, mind and soul potential.

As Ms. Joy said, "There's no place like this sisterhood healing circle..."

Start with this gift healing reset to reduce anxiety.

You Deserve to Feel Better Without Years of Therapy and Doctor Visits.

Join Our Clients Who Discovered that When They Invested in Themselves--Their Lives Bloomed Exponentially.

Jordienne Pettit --retired HR exec at Pfizer

We may have family and community support systems but there's no place like this sisterhood healing circle. To be with women who understand my journey as we rest into God's healing  is so profoundly life-changing.

 it's truly a rare and sacred healing space.

Nikki W.

I've tried everything from psychotherapy to medications and was still stuck in the exhaustion, depression and anxiety from the damage of narcissists in my life. I literally could not move forward. Now, I have enough energy and calm focus to pursue the career of my dreams at age 50 in the travel industry.


Cheryl Purnell

What an eyeopener to discover the impact of narcissism on my body, mind and soul health.

It could have been overwhelming to realize this--but Kay made the journey so easy and relaxed each week with tools that were easy to use.

To be able to enjoy life without a sense of trepidation  and fear is huge.


Break free from the clutches of narcissistic energy vampires today.

Reduce Anxiety with this Gift : A 3 Minute Reset