Let Go of Guilt Quickly
Women reach out to me when they are stuck in the guilt of feeling as if they should have recognized their abuse sooner--or they should have left or stayed away from the narcissist. You're not alone and this is not your fault. Narcissists deliberately manipulate you by denying the severity of the damage they create while keeping you in a state of discombobulation that makes it hard for you to realize just how bad the abuse is. Sometimes we cannot even fathom that the word "abused" even applies to us. Guilt and shame become pervasive states but you don't have to live with that guilt. This healing will help you begin releasing the energy of guilt and reclaiming your connection to God's love and acceptance. Last, when you're ready for deeper healing, send me the word MOJO to find out how you can join the Get Your Mojo Back healing journey cohort to deeply and fully recover your body, feelings and soul. Reach out to [email protected]