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Relieve Stress, Anxiety & Reconnect to the Lord

anxiety relief qi gong healing quick self care Jun 19, 2022

This beautiful prayerful movement seated practice will help you to immediately:

  • Relieve anxiety.
  • Calm stress and overwhelm.
  • Reconnect to the peace of God
  • Get your mojo back.

On this beautiful Sunday, take time to engage this practice in 5 -6 minute increments as you move through the day so that by the end of the day, you complete it OR engage it all at once.

Drop a line to [email protected] and let me know how you experienced this reset--and where you still might need help to settle and revive.

Light, blessings and love,


P.S. Ladies in the herbal healing journey--we are going to have that Zoom group bonus 6/25 at 8:00 pm where you  can share all the amazing emotional shifts that you're experiencing with the herbs, ask questions and get further healings. I can't wait to see you all. Watch your inboxes for an email from me.

Not in the healing journey but want to get that deeper level of self care--emotional reset in a way that doesn't take extra bandwidth?  Drop a note to [email protected] with the word HERBS and I'll send you more info about this amazing journey that participants are describing as "Kay, it took me to another realm. I could actually feel the herbs shifting my emotions and my body--in minutes!"



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