Get Your Mojo Back: Quick Resets to Help Empathic Women Heal Narcissistic Abuse

Get Your Mojo Back: Quick Resets to Help Empathic Women Heal Narcissistic Abuse

Hosted by: Kay Hutchinson

Feeling like a zombie couch potato, drained and decimated after engaging a narcissist? Can't get control of that roller coaster of emotions that make you feel physically ill at times? You don't have to keep struggling...


The Secret to Healing Narcissistic Abuse is Refilling the 5 Critical Energy Tanks that Narcissists Drain

Season #2

Narcissists deplete our energy across five critical areas that are rarely addressed by psychotherapy or psychiatry...that's why we feel so bad for so long even when we are getting help. This quick reset will begin the...
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Heal Your Body to Heal Your Heart Ache after Narcissistic Abuse

Season #2

Try this quick reset to restore the internal organs that are most impacted by heartache--the heart and small intestine. Then, join me on Saturdays at noon CST for the Get Your Mojo Back: Qi Gong Healings for Women...
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Joy Blast Reset Restores Your Kidney and Heart Energies to Melt Exhaustion and Fears

Season #2

Part of why you feel so exhausted after narcissistic abuse is that you've lost your ability to feel higher frequencies of joy which are essential to restoring our souls, bodies and emotions. This quick reset will...
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Reconnect with What Makes YOU Happy

Season #2

We get so trained to serve the need of narcissists and ignore what makes us happy until we struggle to know what brings us joy. This reset will help you reconnect to the parts of self that have been damaged and keep...
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Don't Let Narcissists Steal Your Joy

Season #2

Narcissists disconnect you from the ability to feel God's joy as a tangible living energy but that doesn't have to be your reality. This episode will teach you a quick reset to restore your ability to access joy....
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Visualize a Home that will Nurture and Heal You after Narcissistic Abuse

Season #2

Sometimes it can feel so foreign to imagine a home environment that is uncluttered with spacious flows of energy that promote healing. This healing can help you align with the healing energy of God's golden light as...
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Reclaim Your Home's Energy to Help Heal the Damage of Narcissistic Abuse

Season #2

Building on the reset of the previous episode, let's begin shifting the energy of the northeast corner of your home (or in a room) to help you begin to feel a sense of greater peace, centeredness and the healing...
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Start Detaching from the Toxic Energy of Narcissists by Clearing this One Area of Your Home

Season #2

This one area of your home will begin detaching you from emotional vampires and the trauma that comes from narcissistic abuse--and begin to restore your ability to reclaim your home space as a healing space that...
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Create a Home Space that Actually Helps You Heal Deeply after Narcissistic Abuse

Season #2

After narcissistic abuse, our home environments can work against us in the healing process. Today, we'll begin the process to restore your ability to create a home space that furthers your recovery from narcissistic...
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Let Go of the Hidden Toxins You've Absorbed from the Narcissist

Season #2

Liberate yourself from the toxic emotional intensity that is the result of being around a narcissist.The metal element frequency can release the intensity of sadness, disappointment, grief, from the organs of the...
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Stop Getting Sick all the Time as You Recover from Narcissistic Abuse

Season #2

You're not alone. Narcissists erode the energy layer of our being responsible for our immunity and protection. Women often reach out to me after they've been on antibiotic and anti-viral medications or rounds of...
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You Have to Feel Safe to Attract Abundance

Season #2

One of the things that happens to us as women empaths is that we lose our sense of safety when we have experienced naricissistic abuse. This causes us to play small and shrink back from prosperity because we just...
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