How I Healed Wounds from a Narcissist with God-Focused Medical Qi Gong & Herbs
Are you an empathic woman who has been in a relationship with a narcissist and had your abundant, lush forest burnt to the ground, leaving behind scorched earth and utter emptiness?
I am Kay Hutchinson, a medical qi gong specialist for over 20 years, who knows that journey well.
I built a successful holistic practice of energy medicine to help exhausted and anxious empathic women restore their mojo with natural mindfulness tools.
Yet, just as my practice at Aiki Healing began to flourish in 2013, I met a narcissistic partner that nearly destroyed my practice and life.
But it didn't happen all at once. Over a period of time, the gaslighting, cruel and unkind behaviors and constant withholding of true nourishment left me empty and unable to paint vibrantly, create new flows in my business (which has previously been easy to do) and stay aligned with God's mission for my life.
I was utterly empty.
Gradually, all the physical pain of fibromyalgia, anxiety and overwhelm that I had eliminated from my life began to creep back, leaving me with immunity issues, shingles, and deep exhaustion.
Scroll down to discover how I restored my health, peace and youthfulness by liberating myself from narcissistic abuse.
All The Tools to Liberate Yourself from Narcissistic Abuse
For 20+ years, I've helped empathic women reconnect with their magic with quick qi gong resets and shamanistic herbal healing, but little did I know that these gentle, resets would play a vital role in restoring my own soul and health.
As God guided me to leave the relationship with a narcissistic spouse and embrace soul healing, I literally began to paint with vibrant colors again.
Health, clarity and youthfulness returned.
My practice began to flourish in new ways to help other women empaths who served in clergy and in other community leadership with God-focused new tools such as:
- The "Get Your Mojo Back Herbal Healing Journey Membership" that uses herbs and qi gong to effortlessly help women their health, peace and lives after narc abuse by connecting to the radical rest of God.
- Get Your Mojo Back Elite Private Mentoring to help women fast track their recovery and lives.
- She Speaks Hope Retreat for Black Women Clergy (in conjunction with Moore for My Sisters Ministry, Edge of Your Seat Consultancy, and Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary): A deeply restorative journey of radical rest expereinces set in nature and funded by Columbia University's Teacher College: Spirituality, Mind, Body Institute. It's the only Black women's clergy retreat that focuses on ongoing support using qi gong healing with a scripture focus for 4 months after the main retreat in person.
I am grateful that God mercifully planted seeds in that rich soil of scorched earth to heal me profoundly and grow a new forest, a sisterhood of women who are using these qi gong mindfulness tools to bring color, vibrancy and the frequency of God’s healing light into every aspect of their lives.
Start healing today. Get the free reset that is helping empathic women across the world heal from narcissistic abuse by taking the first step to gain clarity and soothe their wounded souls.
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