Stop Exhaustion & Stress  Without Drugs or Hours of Yoga Classes

Take 1 minute to listen to the audio below and discover that ONE SECRET that no one is telling you about how to get more energy and stop anxiety on-the-spot naturally.

Stop Feeling Exhausted and Stressed
Boost Energy & Reduce Anxiety Without Drugs

Imagine if You Could Immediately Tap into High Energy & Peace Effortlessly in Your Busy Day

Audio Transcript
Hi, I am Nikki Washington.

Do you often feel wired and tired at the end the day?

Or feel that heavy burden of emotional exhaustion that leaves you wondering if you can get through your day? 

As a medical qi gong practitioner and flight attendant, I’ve solved the problem of being able to instantly revive your energy without drugs, or energy drinks or special equipment.

And these resets immediately calm anxiety and other emotional stress dramatically. 

Are you ready to learn the ancient secret of how to balance your 5 energy tanks on the spot—so you can stop struggling to get more energy and finally learn how to stay calm no matter how chaotic the world is around you? If so, register today and let’s help you get your mojo back.

Register by 7/15 to save your spot. Only 5 spots left.

This Workshop is Perfect for You If... 


You have a busy lifestyle and are struggling to self care.

You feel overwhelmed and helpless by high levels of stress.

Don't have time for hours of yoga or meditation classes.

Need quick resets that don't take extra time or energy out of your day.

You deserve to be able to boost and maintain your energy without stimulants or drugs... 


Free yourself from the emotional noise that makes you overthink everything so you stay exhausted and stressed.

How Does it Work?

We meet July 19th Friday at 7pm CST in Zoom for 60 minutes.

Can't make the live? You can catch the replay and I will personally coach you through it so you're not alone.

Easy restoration.

The Investment

This virtual Zoom experience is usually part of an elite mentoring program that costs $2497.

But, for the next 5 days, I am offering it at: 
Only four payments of $62.25.

Plus you get a $500 bonus--a consultation with  CEO of AIki Healing, Kay Hutchinson who has helped hundreds of women over 21 years understand exactly what food, supplements and energy practices they need to ignite their body, mind and soul potential.

Stop struggling and save your spot today.

It is the last 60 minute workshop I am offering for 2024 so don't miss out on this opportunity to finally learn how to stop that ongoing exhaustion and get off that emotional roller coaster of stress.

Register by 7/15 to save your spot. Only 5 spots left.