Aiki Healing Blog: A Journey of God-FocusedĀ Healing Tools for Highly Sensitive Women Empaths Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse
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You don't have to suffer with overwhelm as a sensitive woman in the world.
It might surprise you to know that it only takes 8 minutes to begin shifting that chaotic sense of overwhelm to a relaxed and empowered state of feeling like your sensitive nature is truly your greatest gift.
Click on the a...

What's your greatest challenge as an empath who has experienced narcissistic attacks at some point in the life?
The three most common answers I hear my clients and community members share are:
- I feel emptied out as if my world has gone gray.
- I can't turn off the intensity of my feelings.
- I don ...
Long week? No time to revive yourself?
Feeling exhausted?
You deserve to feel better.
This excerpt from the Get Your Mojo Back healing journey will help you to:
- Realign with God's frequency to feel higher energy.
- Revive your kidneys and adrenals.
- Melt stress.
- Get a quieter brain.
Click o...

So often we feel as if we're missing the key to balancing ourselves as empaths.
We know that being sensitive and intuitive are gifts, but we feel so unsettled and exhausted by having to feel the emotions of others and process all the chaos in the world.
This healing will help you tap into the powe...

If you've been bombarded by physical health challenges over the last few weeks or an increase of intense emotions, this healing is just for you.
As empaths weĀ often feel like we're missing something.
We know we have aĀ deep capacity to tap into a deep well of peace, centeredness and resiliency.

I feel so lonely and isolated as an empath. I know in my head that I'm not alone but at times, it just feels like I am trapped in the space of feeling everything so intensely.
Sound familiar?
This 7 minute qi gong healing will help you to reset and reconnect safely to the beautiful tribe of empath...

How many times have you felt misunderstood as an empath?
It seems that others just don't feel as deeply as you do--or understand what it's like to feel the emotions of others, right?
This healing will help you connect with the energy of being cherished, seen and understood to heal the pain, isolat...

One of the challenging parts of being an empath, is that inevitable sense of isolation and loneliness that can arise when we are feeling the emotions of others so strongly.
We often think, "I can't be the only one who feels these overwhelming waves of feeling, can I?"Ā
You're right. You're not alo...

Kay!Ā I know being an empath is a gift but so often it feels like a curse. I feel so overwhelmed!
Sound familiar?
This qi gong healing and breathwork reset will help you to let go of the overwhelm and tap into the amazing gifts you have as an empathic and use the frequency of JOY to repattern your...

if you're feeling especially tired, heavy and prone to tears these days, you're not alone.
The global grieving that is unfolding can influence us to feel our own emotions especially poignantly right now.
Listen to this 10 minute reset at the end of your day as you take a bath, shower or prepare fo...

As empaths, we feel the intensity of world events so profoundly.Ā One of you asked me this week how to deal with the intensity of sensing the immense grief that people are feeling all over the world about the passing of Queen Elizabeth and the shifts that often happen geopolitically and spiritually ...
Happy Labor Day Everyone.
Do you ever feel like sometimes the people closest to us are creating a drain and pull on your energy?
That sense can increase during holiday times when we spend more time with those in our intimate circle.
These tips will help you revive and reclaim your mojo.
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