Aiki Healing Blog: A Journey of God-Focused Healing Tools for Highly Sensitive Women Empaths Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse

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Feeling exhausted like a Zombie Couch Potato? Help is here! anxiety relief qi gong healing quick self care Feb 21, 2025

Feeling like the world and your feelings are just too active right now? You're not alone.

Try this simple video reset and let reply to [email protected] to let me know how you experienced this reset, and where you are needing more help.

I am Kay Hutchinson, a energy medicine specialist,  and fo...

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The Shocking Truth about Meditation and Why It Won't Heal Narcissistic Abuse Jan 19, 2025
Stop Trying to "Empty Your Mind" and Start Healing Instead

My colleagues who are mindfulness teachers are going to get ticked off for me saying this:

Mediattion can exacerbate the challenge of healing narcissistic abuse by creating frustration when we try to focus on "stilling" our minds or "emptyin...

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CTAAFSC ATTENDEES: Take 2 Minutes to Quiet Your Brain & Feelings When You Are Triggered quick self care Dec 02, 2024

Feeling discombobulated after or during a presentation?

Take 2 minutes to calm your feelings and brain so that you can truly drink in the bounty of resources, information and healing and celebrate the conference's 25-years-old history.

Click here to send me an email for immediate 1-1 help processing ...

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Stop Fears In Its Track Right Away qi gong healing quick self care Oct 12, 2024

Stop Fears In Its Track Right Away

When a narcissist has drained your water energy tank, fear rises uncontrollably especially when you need to feel courageous.

But you don’t have to be at the mercy of intense fear.

And no, it doesn’t take years of therapy, psychiatric drugs or a boatload of hours to fe...

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This One False Belief Could be Preventing You From Healing Your Exhaustion and Poor Health anxiety relief audio healing guided meditation Jul 27, 2024
You don't have to keep struggling with the physical illness, exhaustion, anxiety and the soul gutted sensation that are hallmarks of the impact of narcissistic abuse.

We often mistakenly think that recovering ourselves means years of therapy, medications, and hours of yoga classes.

So we
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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
Tap into High Energy & Peace Without Hours of Yoga Classes or a Ton of Coffee
Tap into High Energy & Peace Without Hours of Yoga Classes or a Ton of Coffee anxiety relief qi gong healing quick self care Jul 11, 2024

 Imagine yourself grocery shopping and going about your errands like an other ordinary day.

Suddenly, your heart is pounding uncontrollably, you feel jittery and yet exhausted, and you find yourself in the middle of a panic attack so severe that paramedics are called and you are rushed to the ER. 

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A Powerful Partnership Changing the Lives of Women: Aiki Healing and Moore 4 Sisters Ministries: herbal healing qi gong healing Feb 09, 2024

Aiki Healing and Moore 4 Sisters Ministries Join Forces with a Ground-Breaking Holistic Healing Scholarship program to Help Black Women Heal the Devastating Damage of Narcissistic Abuse in Faith-Based communities.

Manor, TX — [Feb. 9, 2024] — In an unprecedented collaboration, Moore 4 Sisters Minis...

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Cleanse the Negative Energy of Emotional Vampires from your Aura guided meditation qi gong healing quick self care Jan 06, 2024

I call it aura cleansing but call it anything you like.

Just like bathing, we need to engage energetic hygiene to let go of the emotions and toxic energies of other people.

Engaging in cleansing energy practices with medical qi gong can be crucial for individuals who have experienced narcissistic ...

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Aiki Healing: Heal Narcissistic Abuse Easily
You can Help Women Who are Experiencing the Ravaging Effects of Narcissistic Abuse:
You can Help Women Who are Experiencing the Ravaging Effects of Narcissistic Abuse: audio healing Dec 22, 2023

Donate to Help Fund the Get Your Mojo Scholarship Program


I am Kay Hutchinson of Aiki Healing, your host. Do you know that women who experience narcissistic abuse have higher incidences of developing cancer, neurological disorders, organ failure,  auto-immune diseases,...

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Heal from Narcissistic Damage: 5 Minutes to Access God's Courage anxiety relief audio healing guided meditation Oct 12, 2023

Welcome to Get Your Mojo Back, Quick Resets to Help Empath Women Heal Narcissistic Abuse.

Allow yourself to pick a posture as we go through healing the energy of fears. Often times, when we are really exhausted from the damage that comes from engaging narcissistic people, our level of fears will ri...

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Narcissistic Abuse Recovery: 5 Minutes to Boost Immunity and Reclaim God's Protection qi gong healing quick self care Oct 07, 2023

When we are around emotional drainers or narcissists, the stress and weight of their emotions and behaviors takes a toll on our immunity.

I experienced this first hand with relentless shingles that would not fully resolve until I left the narcissist in my life and freed myself of his toxic hooks.

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12 Minute Reset to Restore God's Shielding for Fall qi gong healing quick self care Sep 30, 2023

As empaths, we women often absorb the toxic energy of narcissists and other emotional energy vampires. This absorption of negative energy begins to weaken our metal element, associated with our lungs and large intestines so that we develop respiratory issues, pervasive sadness, and lower gut imbalan...

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